Webster Army Reserve Center
Pike provided general construction services for the Webster Army Reserve Center, a full facility revitalization for a 300-member Army Reserve Center (ARC).
Webster, New York
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Primary facilities included renovation of an existing ARC training building and Organization Maintenance Shop (OMS) with collocated Area Maintenance Support Activity (AMSA), constructed addition onto existing training building and constructed new unheated storage building. Buildings were of permanent construction with reinforced concrete foundations, concrete floor slabs, structural steel frames, masonry veneer walls, standing seam metal roof, HVAC, plumbing, mechanical systems, security systems, and electrical systems.
Supporting facilities included land clearing, paving, fencing, general site improvements, and extension of utilities to serve project. Accessibility for the disabled was provided. Physical security measures were incorporated into the design including maximum standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas. Berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards were used to prevent access when standoff distances cannot be maintained. Sustainable Design and Development (SDD) and Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct05) features were provided.